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Technical Publication
Engine Series 183
Basis: Mercedes--Benz OM 440
Diesel Engine (MTU)
8V 183 TA.2
8V 183 TC/TE.2/.3
12V 183 TA.2
12V 183 TB/TC.2/.3
12V 183 TD/TE.2/.3
Maintenance Manual
Tolerance and Wear Limit for MTU 183 Series
Technical Publication
Diesel Engine

12V 183
Tolerances and Wear Limits List
Series 183 Engines
Mercedes-Benz OM 440
MTU Series
8 V 183 TA .2 OM 442 A
Mtu 12v183 Service Manual
8 V 183 TC .2/.3 OM 442 LA12v183 Service Manual Pdf
8 V 183 TE .2/.3 OM 442 LA12 V 183 TA .2 OM 444 A

12 V 183 TB .2/.3 OM 444 LA
12 V 183 TC .2/.3 OM 444 LA
12 V 183 TD .2/.3 OM 444 LA
12 V 183 TE .2/.3 OM 444 LA

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