- Can You Shoot 410 Out Of 45 Long Colt Barrel Review
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- Can You Shoot 410 Out Of 45 Long Colt Barrel Rifle
Here Come da Judge: Taurus .45 Colt/.410 Bore Revolvers
You're wanted me to shoot a 45 Colt out of this old 410 shotgun your request. Also one of my NEF/HR barrels is a.410/.45 long colt. This one is stamped on the barrel that it's a 'Survivor' model. Looking at it closely, it is rifled the full length, and also has a screw-in choke with rifling inside it. Now that leads me to believe that there is a good possibility that you 'could shoot' a.45 long colt in most.410 shotguns. This is a single shot pistol chambered in either.45 Long Colt or for the.410 shotshell. The gun is heavy, tipping the scales at almost 3 pounds, which is a far cry from today’s slick polymer.
By Chuck Hawks

I have been asked to do a full reviewof Taurus .45/.410 revolvers for Guns andShooting Online, but declined. I simply refuse to waste that much of mytime and effort on a product that I already know is inherently incapable ofdelivering acceptable results. However, in response to popular demand, I agreedto do this abbreviated article.
Can You Shoot 410 Out Of 45 Long Colt Barrel Review
At present, Taurus is offering six models of .45 Colt/.410 boreshotshell combination revolvers, if you count different finishes (blue orstainless) as separate models as Taurus does. Note that these are not 'convertible'revolvers supplied with two cylinders; these Taurus revolvers fire both .45 Coltcartridges and .410 shotshells from the same cylinder. The variations include'Tracker' models with 6' barrels in blue and stainless steel,similar models with 3' barrels in blue or stainless steel and an'ultra-light' version (at 22 ounces empty, not really) with a 3'barrel built on an aluminum alloy frame. These five models are all chamberedfor 2-1/2', .410 shotshells.
The sixth model, named the 'Judge,' seems to havegenerated the most interest. It is a stainless steel version with a 3'barrel and a cylinder lengthened to accept 3' .410 shotshells. Taurusincorrectly identifies the 3', .410 shotgun shell as a 'Magnum'on their web site, but in reality it is simply a 'high brass,' not amagnum, load. Here are some basic specifications for the 3' chamber Judge:

- Model - 4510TKR-3SSMAG
- Caliber - .45 Colt and .410/3' shotshell
- Capacity - 5
- Frame size - Medium
- Barrel length - 3'
- Finish - Matte stainless steel
- Weight - 36.8 ounces
- Length - 9.5'
- 2008 MSRP - $608
All of these Taurus revolvers are supplied with a fiberoptic front sight and a rudimentary fixed rear sight consisting of a squaregroove cut into the top of the frame. The rubber handgrips are Taurus'Ribber' type to help moderate the considerable recoil, especially ofthe Ultra-Light version.
Taurus double action revolvers have traditionally been builton what is essentially a copy of S&W lock work, which is faint praise atbest. The cylinder swings out to the left for loading/unloading in the usualmanner and rotates counter-clockwise (out of the frame) when operated. Their DAtrigger pulls average an unacceptable 12 pounds or so, but their SA triggerpulls are usually quite good at about three pounds. Unfortunately, a good SA trigger pullachieves little in a revolver that is inherently inaccurate.
These are basically five-shot, double action revolverschambered for the venerable .45 Long Colt (LC) cartridge. However, thecylinders of the five standard models have been lengthened to also accommodate2-1/2' .410 bore shotshells. This results in a cylinder that measures2.690' in length and a frame window to match. The cylinder of the 'Magnum'.410 Judge has been lengthened to an incredible 3.190' in order to accept3' long .410 shotshells. Because of their dual-purpose mission, the sixgroove, right hand twist rifling in Taurus .45/.410 revolvers' barrels isintentionally cut shallow to minimize the inevitable disruption of .410shot loads, which does not bode well for accuracy with conventional bullets.
The cylinder in a .45 Colt Peacemaker revolver, which is properlysized to the cartridge, measures 1.609' long. That means that a .45 Coltbullet fired in a 2-1/2' chamber Taurus has to jump over an inch of additional free space just toreach the forcing cone. Fired in a 3' chamber Judge, that same bullet hasto jump an additional 1.5' of space to reach the revolver's forcing cone! Expect the 3'-chambered Judge to be even less accurate than the model with the 2-1/2' chamber owned by W.W. Stowe.

The bottom line is that, while Taurus revolvers in generalhave earned a reputation for mediocre accuracy, these .45/.410 revolvers havelowered the bar. One author, writing for a respected gun magazine,praised the Judge to the skies (naturally, since print magazines never publish an unfavorable review of anadvertiser's product), but admitted that it would barelykeep its bullets on a humanoid silhouette target at 25 yards! Considering thatpractically any Colt or Ruger .45 LC revolver will average 2-3' groups atthat range with factory loaded ammo and no tuning whatsoever, the Judge'saccuracy as a .45 LC revolver is simply unacceptable.
Can You Shoot 410 Out Of A 45 Long Colt
Naturally, firing a .410 shotshell in a revolver with a 3'rifled barrel is not likely to produce very satisfactory results. Thesame writer mentioned in the paragraph above patterned the 3' Judge with 11/16ounce, #4 and #6 .410 shot loads and reported very few pellets outside of an18' circle--at five yards! Pardon me, but .410 shotshells are customarily patterned at 30 yards. These arethe kind of deceptive shenanigans required to produce a favorable review of theJudge revolver. Here at Guns and Shooting Online, we try toavoid such deceptions, which is why I declined to do a full review of the Taurus Judge revolver.
Guns and Shooting Online reader W.W. Stowe kindly wrote to me to pass along his test results shooting his 3' barrel, 2-1/2' chamber, Judge revolver. At 25 yards, shooting a four 000 buckshot .410 shell, it will keep all four buckshot somewhere on an 18'x24' target board. At 16.6 yards (50 feet) it will keep a cylinder load of .45 Colt bullets on a paper plate (a 9' circle). Needless to say, the latter is totally unacceptable accuracy for a revolver. I want my revolvers, even snubbies, to (at least) put five bullet holes in a 4' circle at our standard test distance of 25 yards.
My advice to anyone looking for a .45 LC revolver is tobuy a Colt or a Ruger. If you want a .410, a number of good shotguns are sochambered. The Taurus Judge is a 'one size fits all' approach tobeing both and, consequently, is unsatisfactory as either.
The Taurus Judge got a lot of attention from the firearms community when it was first released several years ago. It was a handgun that could shoot either the 45-long colt or 410 shotgun shells.
Its ability to use different types of ammunition is one reason it is popular as a backpacking gun. The 4/10 is a good choice for snakes and other varmints.
Taurus released the magnum
Shortly after the release of the original Judge, Taurus released the Judge Magnum. Able2extract 7 pin keygen for mac free. The Judge Magnum will shoot the 2 1/2 as well as 3-inch shells.
I bought my Judge Magnum as soon as they came on the market. It is a lot of fun to shoot. The only issues that I’ve had with it is the fire control mechanism locking up. I sent it to Taurus for repair and after a few weeks they returned my gun in perfect working condition.
The recoil of the Judge Magnum is very controllable for the experienced shooter. However, some of the magnum loads have more recoil than others.
Since the introduction of the Judge, several ammo manufacturers have made specialty shells specifically for the Judge. If you keep a Judge for self defense you will want to spend some time studying these different types of ammunition to see which one works best.
Taurus Judge ammo to avoid
The pattern of bird shot spreads so wide it becomes ineffective. The Taurus Judge performs much differently than regular 410 shotguns. The barrel is rifled which causes the pattern spread to be much wider than the smooth bore barrel in most shotguns.

To overcome this problem, you will want to choose either the 45-long colt or 410 shells specifically made for the Taurus Judge.
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Can You Shoot 410 Out Of 45 Long Colt Barrel Liner

Can You Shoot 410 Out Of 45 Long Colt Barrel Rifle

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