- The Blood Shintai Discipline, the Water element analog, concentrates on the ebb and flow of Chi through the character’s circulatory system. Blood Shintai Disciplines can be attuned to Yin, Yang, or Balance; in the view of a practitioner, Yin and yang compose but one aspect of the cyclical flows that permeate eternity like blood through a body.
- Trait Maximum: Like Kindred of potent blood, enlightened Kuei-jin can concentrate their Chi to such a degree that they may raise Attributes, Abilities, and Disciplines above 5. The Chi Points entry tells you the maximum amount of Chi you can spend per turn.
Level Discipline Title Page Number Black Wind 1-10 Black Wind Kindred of the East 107 6 A Thousand Cuts Kindred of the East Companion 68 7 Treading the Tide Dragon's Back Kindred of the East Companion 68.
Here it is, the Great List. Questions or comments welcomed,flames are childish.
Last updated: December 25 1998 12:17 pm
By Christian Steenhorst (Rev_..@hotmail.com)
Note: In the interests of being as politically correct as possible, the
terms 'he' and 'she' have been replaced by 'sie'. 'Him', 'her' and
'his' have all been replaced by a universal 'Hir'
Note: The Discipline descriptions have been standardized so that almost
every description starts out with 'Vampire may'. The exceptions to
this are Disciplines that are active all the time and Disciplines
taken from Clanbooks in which case the Clan that really made it up
is given credit (Except for the Blood Brothers as their Sanguinus
Discipline is unique in that it cannot work without the presence of
other Brothers).
Note: Some Disciplines appear in both modern and Dark Ages versions of
Vampire, so for the sake of clarity, both are presented. They are not
Note: Kuei-Jin are a type of vampire all their own. They cannot learn
Kindred Disciplines, nor can Kindred learn Kuei-Jin Disciplines.
AHRIMANE________________(Animalism, Presence, Spiritus) - Sabbat
ASSAMITE________________(Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus) - Independent
ASSAMITE ANTITRIBU______(Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus) - Sabbat
BAALI___________________(Daimoinon, Obfuscate, Presence) - Independent
BLOOD BROTHERS__________(Celerity, Potence, Sanguinus) - Sabbat
BRUJAH__________________(Celerity, Potence, Presence) - Camarilla
BRUJAH ANTITRIBU________(Celerity, Potence, Presence) - Sabbat
CAITIFF_________________(Kineticism) - Independent
CAPPADOCIAN_____________(Auspex, Fortitude, Mortis) - Independent
CHILDREN OF OSIRIS______(Bardo) - Independent
DAUGHTERS OF CACOPHONY__(Fortitude, Melpominee, Presence) - Independent
FOLLOWERS OF SET________(Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis) - Independent
GANGREL_________________(Animalism, Fortitude, Protean) - Camarilla
GANGREL ANTITRIBU - CITY________(Celerity, Obfuscate, Protean) - Sabbat
GANGREL ANTITRIBU - COUNTRY_____(Animalism, Fortitude, Protean) - Sabbat
GARGOYLE________________(Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika) - Camarilla
GIOVANNI________________(Dominate, Necromancy, Potence) - Independent
KIASYD__________________(Mytherceria, Necromancy, Obtenebration) - Independent
KUEI-JIN________________(No specific Disciplines) - Kuei-Jin
LAIBON__________________(Abombwe, Animalism, Fortitude) - Independent
LAMIA___________________(Deimos, Mortis, Potence) - Extinct
LASOMBRA________________(Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence) - Sabbat
LASOMBRA ANTITRIBU______(Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence) - Independent
LHIANNAN________________(Animalism, Ogham, Presence) - Extinct
MALKAVIAN_______________(Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate) - Camarilla
MALKAVIAN ANTITRIBU_____(Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate) - Sabbat
NAGARAJA________________(Auspex, Necromancy, Nihilistics) - Black Hand
NOSFERATU_______________(Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence) - Camarilla
NOSFERATU ANTITRIBU_____(Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence) - Sabbat
OLD CLAN TZIMISCE_______(Animalism, Auspex, Dominate) - Black Hand
PANDER__________________(No specific Disciplines) - Sabbat
RAVNOS__________________(Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude) - Independent
RAVNOS ANTITRIBU________(Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude) - Sabbat
SALUBRI_________________(Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah) - Independent
SALUBRI (DARK AGES)_____(Auspex, Fortitude, Valeren) - Extinct
SAMEDI__________________(Necromancy, Obfuscate, Thanatosis) - Independent
SERPENTS OF THE LIGHT___(Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis) - Sabbat
TOREADOR________________(Auspex, Celerity, Presence) - Camarilla
TOREADOR ANTITRIBU______(Auspex, Celerity, Presence) - Sabbat
TREMERE_________________(Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy) - Camarilla
TREMERE ANTITRIBU_______(Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy) - Sabbat
TRUE BRUJAH_____________(Potence, Presence, Temporis) - Black Hand
TZIMISCE________________(Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude) - Sabbat
VENTRUE_________________(Dominate, Fortitude, Presence) - Camarilla
VENTRUE ANTITRIBU_______(Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude) - Sabbat
DISCIPLINES (description)
1 - PREDATOR'S COMMUNION - Vampire may use The Beast's mystical senses.
2 - TAMING THE BEAST - Vampire may borrow The Beast's strength.
3 - WHISTLING UP THE BEAST - Vampire sings a song to stir up the target's
Beast Within.
4 - DEVIL-CHANNEL - Vampire may channel The Beast to various body parts.
5 - TAKING THE SKIN - Vampire turns into a slain target by temporarily
absorbing his Beast.
6 - PREDATOR'S MASTERY - Vampire may directly control target's Beast.
Posessed By: Laibon
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
1 - FERAL WHISPERS - Vampire may communicate empathically with animals.
2 - BECKONING - Vampire may summon animals to hir.
3 - QUELL THE BEAST - Vampire may calm any mortal creature.
4 - SUBSUME THE SPIRIT - Vampire may take possesion of an animal.
5 - DRAWING OUT THE BEAST - Vampire may transfer hir beast to another vessel.
6 - ANIMAL SUCCULENCE - Vampire gets just as much nourishment from animals as
sie gets from humans.
6 - DEEP SONG - Ravnos may have complete emotional sway over an audience with
a mood-setting song.
6 - SENSE THE SAVAGE WAY - Vampire may sense things from the point of view of
a chosen animal.
6 - SHARED SOUL - A vampire to animal mind meld.
6 - SHEPHERD'S INNOCENCE - Vampire's presence puts animals at ease.
6 - SONG IN THE DARK - Nosferatu may summon the monsters of the underground.
6 - SPECIES SPEAK - Vampire may speak to any 1 species within earshot.
6 - TIER OF SOULS - Tzimisce may receive memories and abilities from those
sie feeds from.
7 - CONQUER THE BEAST - Vampire may enter controlled Frenzy at will.
7 - MASTER'S VOICE - Vampire may speak to all animals within earshot.
7 - TWIST THE FERAL WILL - Vampire may control animals with minimal effort.
8 - MASS SUMMONS - Vamprie may summon all the animals within the vicinity.
8 - TAUNT THE CAGED BEAST - Vampire may send others into Frenzy with a touch.
8 - TWIN SPIRITS - Vampire may take safe possesion of an animal while still
controlling hir own body.
9 - FLESH BOND - Vampire may physically merge with any animal.
10 - ARMY OF BEASTS - Vampire may summon all the animals in a given area and
become them, essentially becomming an army of beasts.
Posessed By: Ahrimanes, Gangrel, Gangrel Antitribu - Country, Laibon,
Lhiannan, Nosferatu, Nosferatu Antitribu, Old Clan Tzmisce,
Ravnos, Ravnos Antitribu, Tzimisce
Found In: Clanbook: Nosferatu, Clanbook: Ravnos, Clanbook: Tzimisce, Dark
Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed., Vampire: The
Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - HIGHTENED SENSES - Vampire may double hir sense of touch, taste, smell,
hearing and sight.
2 - AURA PERCEPTION - Vampire is able to percieve auras.
3 - THE SPIRIT'S TOUCH - Vampire is able to gain insight from objects.
4 - TELEPATHY - Vampire is able to sense the thoughts of others.
5 - PSYCHIC PROJECTION - Vampire may travel in spirit form.
6 - BABBLE - Malkavian may telepathically communicate with many others, but
all must talk aloud as if they were together.
6 - CLAIRVOYANCE - Vampire may see and hear events in any familiar area.
6 - EAGLE'S SIGHT - Vampire may scan a given area as if airborne.
6 - GENIUS LOCI - Tzimisce is able to gain insight into various topics by
surrounding hirself in them.
6 - INSIGHT OF THE TALESPINNER - Toreador is capable of writing good stories
6 - PREDICTION - Vampire may predict what someone is going to do next.
6 - TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION - Vampire may transmit and receive thoughts.
6 - THE DREAMING - Vampire dreams about what is happening while asleep or in
6 - SENSE EMOTION - Vampire may sense emotions of a moderate sized group of
6 - SPIRIT BOND - Vampire may enchant a person or object so that sie may
check up on it whenever sie pleases.
6 - WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR - Toreador automatically knows the correct thing
to say at any point in a conversation.
7 - ECSTATIC AGONY - Tzimisce always feels pleasure with pain.
7 - MELANGE - Malkavian may perceive true reality in metaphors, riddles and
stream-of-conciousness babbling.
7 - PERSONALITY METAMORPH - Toreador may controllably and completely alter
hir personality.
7 - PLUCK THE SECRET - Vampire may know everything a target knows about a
chosen subject by simply saying it.
7 - SOUL SCAN - Vampire may locate anyone sie knows anywhere in the world.
7 - SPIRIT LINK - Vampire may initiate a group telepathic link.
7 - STEALING THE MIND'S EYE - Vampire may observe through a mortal's eyes.
8 - MALKAVIAN MADNESS NETWORK - Malkavian may send a call to as many other
Malkavians as possible.
8 - PSYCHIC ASSAULT - Vampire may damage target's mind telepathically.
8 - OMNISCIENCE - Vampire gains instant understanding of those around hir.
8 - THE ORACLE'S SIGHT - Vampire may be overwhelmed by everything about a
9 - PRECOGNITION - Vampire ambiguously senses the futures.
10 - PULSE OF THE CANAILLE - Vampire may sense the direction that a given
population will take.
Posessed By: Cappadocians, Malkavians, Malkavian Antitribu, Nagaraja, Old
Clan Tzimisce, Salubri, Salubri (Dark Ages), Toreador, Toreador
Antitribu, Tremere, Tremere Antitribu, Tzimisce, Ventrue
Found In: Clanbook: Malkavian, Clanbook: Toreador, Clanbook: Tzimisce, Dark
Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guid 2nd Ed., Vampire: The
Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - RESTORE HUMANITUS - Vampire may restore hir own humanity.
2 - BANISHING SIGN OF THOTH - Vampire may defend hirself against various
supernatural threats with a finger motion.
3 - GIFT OF APIS - Vampire need not drink the blood of mortals.
4 - PILLAR OF OSIRIS - Vampire may enchant a building to make using
Disciplines easier, but Frenzying is easier also.
5 - PARADOX - Vampire may inform target of nature of the universe, target
becomes confused.
6 - BOON OF ANUBIS - Vampire may protect mortals from being embraced.
7 - BRING FORTH THE DAWN - Vampire may cause other vampires to fall asleep
as though it were daytime.
8 - MUMMIFICATION RITUAL - Vampire may force another vampire into Torpor.
9 - RA'S BLESSING - Vampire may walk around in the sun and regain humanity.
9 - REBIRTH - Vampire may allow hirself to be brought back from final death.
Posessed By: Children of Osiris
Found In: The Hunters Hunted
Vampire spends 1 point of Demon Chi per round. For each dot
possessed in BLACK WIND, Vampire may take one of the following: 1 extra
action, mathematically increase running speed or take one automatic success
in Brawl or Melee Damage rolls. It is very easy to enter Fire Soul in this
state (which isn't an altogether bad thing) and the vampire may only use
this Discipline to attack opponents.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - PERMEATE - Vampire may use blood to either swell up or shrivel up.
2 - BLOOD ATEMI - Vampire may move blood around in a target's body causing
disorientation, nausea, damaging cramps, or actually aid
3 - FLOW LIKE BLOOD - Vampire may become as fluid as blood - dodging all
4 - BLOODLASH - Vampire may turn a tendril of hir blood into a whip.
5 - BLOOD AWAKENING - By Bleeding on them, Vampire may imbue objects with
life or turn spirits into white jade statues.

Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - CORPSE SKIN - Vampire may become zombie-like. For each Yin Chi spent,
Vampire gains 2 Bruised health levels - Maximum 6 levels.
2 - WHITE TIGER CORPSE - Vampire may become invisible with only a radiated
chill to mark their passing.
3 - BONE OBEDIENCE - Vampire may shape hir bones for various deadly purposes.
4 - FIVE POISON CLOUD - Vampire may exhale a black cloud of 6 agg damage.
5 - CH'ING SHIH - Vampire may become a horrible, spikey, boney monster.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1-10 - For every point posessed, vampire may perform one extra action per
round with the expenditure of a blood point.
6 - MERCURY'S ARROW - Vampire can transfer hir speed to thrown objects.
7 - SANGUINARY WIND - Vampire may move to where their targets will be next.
8 - RESIST EARTH'S GRASP - Vampire may run up walls or across water.
Posessed By: Assamites, Assamite Antitribu, Blood Brothers, Brujah, Brujah
Antitribu, Gangrel Antitribu - City, Toreador, Toreador
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - RASA - Vampire experiences vivid dreams while sie sleeps during the day.
Third eye is a small blemish.
2 - CHI SIGHT - Vampire may perceive all spiritual things invisible to mortal
eyes. Third eye is a bump.
3 - DRAGON WARD - Vampire may tap spirit energies and become unapproachable.
Third eye is fully developed and open.
4 - PURIFICATION - Vampire may use hir third eye to either cleanse a target
of dark Chi or infect a target with it - depending on
which is dominant - Hun or P'o.
5 - SPIRIT-EATING - Vampire may use hir third eye to remove a target's soul
and either work healings on it or devour it depending
again on which half of the soul is dominant.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - IGNIS FATUUS - Vampire may create a simple illusion affecting 1 sense.
2 - FATA MORGANA - Vampire may create a simple illusion affecting all senses.
3 - APPARITION - Vampire may move any illusion made.
4 - PERMANENCY - Vampire may make any illusion permanent.
5 - HORRID REALITY - Vampire makes Illusion into reality for 1 target.
6 - ARMY OF APPARITIONS - Vampire may create a small army of false soldiers.
6 - FATA AMRIA - Ravnos may place an illusionary curse on a target.
6 - FATUUS MASTERY - Vampire may create permanent illusions without Willpower
6 - MASS REALITY - Vampire may affect more than one target with hir
7 - FAR FATUUS - Vampire may create illusions anywhere sie is familiar with.
7 - MIRROR'S VISAGE - Vampire may create a working illusion of hirself.
8 - FANTASY WORLD - Vampire may cause a target to believe sie is elsewhere.
8 - PSEUDO BLINDNESS - Vampire is incapable of perceiving falsehoods.
8 - SENSORY OVERLOAD - Ravnos may incapacitate a target by overloading hir
5 senses.
9 - SENSORY DEPRAVATION - Vampire may cut off target's five senses.
10 - REALITY - Vampire may trap target in a reality of hir creation.
Posessed By: Ravnos, Ravnos Antitribu
Found In: Clanbook Ravnos, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd
1 - SCRUTINIZE - Vampire may open a dialoge with hir own P'o or perceive the
dark natures of other beings to a tee.
2 - CLEAVE THE DEMON - Vampire may sever the Hun and the P'o. One of these
two keeps control of the body, while the other wanders
around the Yin or Yang spirit worlds.
3 - LASH THE DEMON - Vampire may sever the Hun and P'o of others.
4 - YOKE THE DEMON - Vampire may subjigate hir P'o and make it hir servant.
5 - TWO BECOME ONE - Vampire may merge hir Hun and P'o, allowing hir to
taste the advantages of Golconda.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - SENSE THE SIN - Vampire may sense a target's greatest flaw.
2 - FEAR OF THE VOID BELOW - Vampire may inform target of inevitable
damnation due to weakness - target flees.
3 - FLAMES OF THE NETHERWORLD - Vampire may hurl fireballs.
4 - PSYCHOMACHIA - Vampire may make a target frenzy.
5 - CURSE - Vampire may reduce one of her target's traits to zero for a fixed
amount of time
6 - DIABOLIC LURE - Vampire may lead a target inevitably toward damnation.
6 - IGNORE THE SEARING FLAMES - Vampire is unnaffected by fire.
7 - INFERNAL SERVITOR - Vampire may summon a servant from hell.
7 - SUMMON THE HERALD OF HELL - Vampire may summon a servant from hell.
8 - GREAT CURSE - Vampire may make an entire population feel gloom, despair
or other malaise.
8 - UNLEASH HELL'S FURY - Vampire may make sunlight penetrate all barriers to
consume a foe.
9 - CALL THE GREAT BEAST - Vampire may summon a great demon Lord with the
sacrifice of 50 humans.
Posessed By: Baali
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Storyteller's Handbook
1 - ECSTASY - Vampire may create intense physical pleasure with a touch.
2 - OVERSTIMULATION - Vampire may create painful pleasure.
3 - THE WAVE OF PLEASURE - Vampire no longer requires physical contact.
4 - WRITHING DELIGHTS - Vampire may incapacitate others with pleasure.
5 - THE GLOW OF A THOUSAND EMBRACES - Vampire may drive others into coma or
Torpor with pleasure.
1 - DECAY - Vampire may age an inanimate object.
2 - GNARL WOOD - Vampire may warp or bend any wood within view.
3 - ACIDIC TOUCH - Vampire may sweat acid.
4 - ATROPHY - Vampire may decompose flesh.
5 - TURN TO DUST - Vampire may rapidly age a target.
1-5 - Create Hellfire; each dot posessed adds one die of damage to anyone in
contact with fire
1 - SICKNESS - Vampire may create minor illness in mortals.
2 - VAMPIRE SICKNESS - Vampire may create minor illness in other vampires.
3 - THE SWARMING - Vampire may summon and command a swarm of insects.
4 - DISEASED BREATH - Vampire may exhale poisonous fumes.
5 - CAUSE PLAGUE - Vampire may create a communicable illness.
1 - INDUCE FEAR - Vampire may cause a target to think sie is being watched.
2 - SPOOK - Vampire may cause a target to be overwhelmed with dread.
3 - TERRORIZE - Vampire may confront target with hir worst worst fear.
4 - FEAR IMMERSION - Vampire may surround a target with hir worst fear.
5 - LEECH OF FEAR - Vampire may feed on fear as if it were blood.
1 - WHISPERS - Vampire may summon common knowledge about a mortal target.
2 - SECRETS IN THE DARK - Vampire may summon more knowledge about a mortal
3 - THE HIDDEN - Vampire may summon all knowledge about a mortal target.
4 - DARK PROPHECY - Vampire may see dark futures.
5 - UNLOCK THE HEART OF MYSTERY - Vampire may summon information about things
no one knows.
1 - HURT - Vampire may cause intense pain in a mortal with skin contact.
2 - HUNGER - Vampire may cause intense pain in a vampire.
3 - TORMENT - Vampire may cause crippling pain in target.
4 - AGONY - Vampire may cause pain that follows a target into unconciousness.
5 - PANGS OF HELL - Vampire may inflict lethal amounts of pain.
The Kindred Book
1 - STRIKE THE BROKEN LIMB - Vampire may re-open old wounds.
2 - PHANTOM PAIN - Vampire may Inflict damage without inflicting damage.
3 - CURSE THE SENSES - Vampire may Make a target blind, deaf, and dumb.
4 - FEED THE CORRUPTION - Vampire may infect target with maggots, etc.
5 - ETERNAL TORMENT - Vampire may inflict damage that cannot be healed by
normal means.
1-5 - Summon spirits: Each dot of REGO MANES allows greater spirits/demons to
be summoned.
1 - NIGHT'S TERROR - Vampire may induce visions of terror within target.
2 - POISON HEART - Vampire may tempt a target to succumb to hir dark side.
3 - FOOL THE HEART'S EYE - Vampire may appear as the target's loved one.
4 - NAME THE CRIME - Vampire may force a target to commit a sin.
5 - UNLEASH THE DARK SOUL - Vampire may draw the dark side OUT of a target,
and turn it into hir servant.
1 - SEE THE UNSEEN - Vampire may look into the spirit world.
2 - LEAN THE HEART'S PAIN - Vampire may learn what most greives a target.
3 - SEIZE THE MOMENT - Vampire may snatch information from a target's mind.
4 - CASTING THE BONES - Vampire may see the future through carved bones.
5 - RECALL THE BLOODY DEED - Vampire may summon a spirit of vengeance.
Posessed By: Infernalists
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat
1 - WHISPERS TO THE SOUL - Vampire whisper's one of Lilith's names, target is
plagued by nightmares.
2 - KISS OF THE DARK MOTHER - Vampire gives deadly kisses.
3 - ICHOR - Vampire is able to capture one of her moods in a liquid form.
4 - CLUTCHING THE SHROUD - Vampire gains various powers of the dead by
drinking dead blood.
5 - BLACK BREATH - Vampire breaths black cloud that serves to depress
6 - LILITH'S SUMMONS - Vampire's spat blood becomes a beacon for Spectres.
Posessed By: Lamia
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
1 - PASSION - Vampire may make target feel emotions profoundly.
2 - THE HAUNTING - Vampire may induce subtle hallucinations.
3 - EYES OF CHAOS - Vampire may see one's inner nature + deragements.
4 - VOICE OF MADNESS - Vampire may make target frenzy with a shout.
5 - TOTAL INSANITY - Vampire may inflict 5 Derangements upon target.
6 - DERANGE - Vampire may inflict 1 permanent Derangement.
6 - KINDRED SPIRITS - Vampire may impose hir own madness on others.
6 - LUNA'S EMBRACE - Vampire may impose hir own madness on others.
7 - DELAYED DELIRIUM - Vampire may implant delayed madness within a target.
7 - MIND OF A CHILD - Vampire may reduce a target's mental to 1.
7 - MIND OF A KILLER - Vampire removes a target's respect for life.
7 - WAVE OF INSANITY - Vampire may inflict Total Insanity on multiple
8 - COMA - Vampire may shock a target into a coma.
8 - MINDS OF THE CHILDREN - Vampire may use Mind of a Child on multiple
8 - PRISON OF THE MIND - Vampire may make a target withdraw into hir own
9 - BLESSING OF CHAOS - Vampire becomes immune to Dementation, Dominate,
Chimerstry and Presence, but gains an additional
9 - MASS COMA - Vampire may inflict Coma on multiple targets.
Posessed By: Malkavian, Malkavian Antitribu
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Player's Guide to the Sabbat
DEMON SHINTAI allows the Vampire to channel hir P'o through hir body
to create various effects. For each point of DEMON SHINTAI possessed, the
Vampire must choose 1 odd Demonic effect from a list of Characteristics.
1 - +1 Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
2 - +1 Strength
3 - +1 Stamina
4 - +1 Strength
5 - +1 Dexterity
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - COMMAND - Vampire may issue 1-word commands.
2 - MESMERIZE - Vampire may issue complex commands.
3 - THE FORGETFUL MIND - Vampire may alter the memories of others.
4 - CONDITIONING - Vampire makes target more receptive to Domination.
5 - POSSESSION - Vampire may take possesion of a target's body.
6 - AUTONOMIC MASTERY - Vampire may take complete control over target's body
with a glance.
6 - LOYALTY - Those who have been Dominated by the Vampire are immune to
Domination by others.
6 - OBEDIENCE - Vampire may use any Dominate power by touch.
6 - RATIONALE - Target thinks that the Domination is in fact hir own will.
6 - TRANQUILITY - Vampire may end the Frenzies of others.
7 - COMMAND THE LEGION - Vampire may Dominate more than one target at a time
by Dominating one target.
7 - MOB RULE - Vampire may Dominate more than one target at a time.
7 - REPRESSION OF THE OBVIOUS - Malkavian may make a target blurt out
whatever is on hir mind.
8 - EMPOWERING THE PUPPET KING - Vampire may use any Dominate powers through
someone else.
8 - FAR MASTERY - Vampire may Dominate anyone whom sie knows the location of.
9 - BEST INTENTIONS - Target always acts in the best interests of the
10 - PUPPET MASTER - Target becomes the Dominator in mind and spirit.
Posessed By: Giovanni, Lasombra, Lasombra Antitribu, Old Clan Tzimisce,
Tremere, Tremere Antitribu, Ventrue, Ventrue Antitribu
Found In: Clanbook: Malkavian, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide
2nd Ed., Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
Kindred Of The East Disciplines Of Nursing
1 - MASTER FLOW - Vampire may alter the Chi in hir own body to its opposite.
2 - ADJUST BALANCE - Vampire may alter the Chi in the bodies of others to
make them Yin or Yang aspected or balanced.
3 - SHIFT THE BALANCE - Vampire may temporarily alter hir Chi balance.
4 - CHI INTERRUPT - Vampire may interrupt the flow of Chi causing spasms,
paralisis or death.
5 - CHI MASTERY - Vampire may expell or defile the Chi in a target's body.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - LONG NECK - Vampire may stretch any limb by 5 feet per Stamina point.
2 - DETACH LIMB - Vampire may detach any of hir limbs and control them.
3 - LOTUS CLOUD - Vampire may exhale a cloud that renders targets giddy and
highly suggestible.
4 - PELESIT - Vampire may create various small creatures from hir flesh.
5 - TEN THOUSAND FORMS - Vampire may take any humanoid form and even some
animal forms.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1-10 - For every point posessed, 1 die rolled to soak Agg. damage, also added
to Stamina to soak normal damage
6 - ARMOR OF VITALITY - Vampire may may hir skin as hard as stone.
7 - BESTOW VIGOR - Vampire may share hir Fortitude with another.
8 - ETERNAL VIGILANCE - Vampire my resist the pull of sleep.
Posessed By: Cappadocians, Daughters of Cacophony, Gangrel, Gangrel Antitribu
- Country, Gargoyles, Laibon, Ravnos, Ravnos Antitribu, Salubri,
Salubri (Dark Ages), Ventrue, Ventrue Antitribu
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - GOBLIN FACE - Vampire may cause Chi energy to burn from hir eyes and
mouth allowing sight in pitch darkness and bad bites.
2 - GOBLIN SPARK - Vampire may throw Chi energy that is more cosmetic than
3 - GOBLIN SHAPES - Vampire may shape Chi energy into anything sie wants -
mostly humanoid forms.
4 - GOBLIN SCORCH - Vampire may exhale Chi energy as a dragon breathes fire.
5 - GOBLIN LATERN - Vampire may either surround hirself with an aura of Chi
energy or become a whirling ball of Chi.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - NO MIND - Vampire may rid hir Hun of all surface thoughts.
2 - BLOOD YOGA - Vampire may regain Willpower through meditation.
3 - DISTANT DEATH KATA - Vampire may strike any target within line of sight.
4 - IRON SOUL - Vampire may accomplish nearly anything.
5 - HARMONY WITH THE ALL - Vampire may attune hirself to the Great Cycle.
Sie cannot botch any roll, nor does sie suffer
any dice penalties and can attempt anything even
if sie doesn't have the necessary Skills.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - STAND UPON THE DRAGON'S BACK - Vampire may root hirself to the ground.
2 - TREAD THE THRASHING DRAGON'S TAIL - Vampire may become supernaturally
light, allowing hir to walk on any
surface without leaving footprints.
3 - PLACATE THE EARTH DRAGON - Vampire may sink into the earth or through
5 - JADE SERVANT OF THE AUGUST PERSONAGE - Vampire may attune hirself to one
of the five elements. Water,
Metal, Earth, Wood or Fire.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - INNER FOCUS - Vampire may resist frenzy by spending blood.
2 - FOCUSED STRIKE - Vampire may focus a hit to break anything.
3 - HONORABLE ELIXIR - Vampire may turn hir blood into an honor serum.
4 - SHIELD FROM FIRE - Vampire may spend blood for fire immunity.
5 - DAIMYO'S LAW - Vampire may force another to perform a task.
Posessed By: Bushi (Not)
Found In: Vancouver: Dark Alliance
1 - DAMPENING - Vampire may Reduce the speed of incomming objects.
2 - REDIRECTION - Vampire may alter the direction of incomming objects.
3 - VENGEFUL STRIKE - Vampire may focus physical damage back onto hir foe.
4 - DISCHARGE - Vampire may enhance hir own kinetic potential.
5 - KINETIC SHIELD - Vampire may create an invisible sheild to soak damage.
Posessed By: Caitiff
Found In: Outcasts
1 - EVIL EYE - Vampire may cause a target to fail whatever sie attempts to do
2 - MINOR CURSE - Vampire may cause a target to be not-so-good at things.
3 - PSALM OF THE DAMNED - Vampire may make a target hear hir chants.
4 - BARRENNESS - Vampire may render a target infirtile.
5 - GREATER CURSE - Vampire may cause insomnia in a target while giving hir
the appearance of a leper while suffering the effects of
MINOR CURSE for a period of one year.
Posessed By: Dark Ages Infernalist Malkavians (mostly)
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
1 - THE MISSING VOICE - Vampire may project hir voice anywhere in view.
2 - TOURETTE'S VOICE - Vampire may project hir voice anywhere familiar.
3 - TOREADOR'S BANE - Vampire may entrance others with hir voice.
4 - ART'S TRAUMATIC ESSENCE - Vampire my inflict derangements with hir voice.
5 - DEATH OF THE DRUM - Vampire creates enough noise to damage targets.
6 - BLESSED AUDIENCE - Vampire may entrance groups with hir voice.
Posessed By: Daughters of Cacophony
Found In: Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
1 - MASQUE OF DEATH - Vampire may make hirself or others appear as a corpse.
2 - BLIGHT - Vampire may make a target older.
3 - AWAKEN - Vampire may awaken hirself or others from Torpor.
4 - DEATH'S WHISPER - Vampire may become an invulnerable corpse.
5 - BLACK DEATH - Vampire may cause a disease to kill mortals in one day,
vampires enter Torpor immediately
6 - ANIMATE HOST - Vampire may raise several zombu from the grave.
6 - REAPER'S PASSING - Cappadocian may cause temporary death in mortals.
7 - SENSE DEATH'S IMMINENCE - Vampire is attuned to the ebb and flow of life.
7 - THE LEPER'S GAIT - Cappadocian may atrophy a target's limbs.
8 - PLAGUE WIND - Vampire may cause an death and decay in a certain area.
Posessed By: Cappadocians
Found In: Clanbook: Cappadocian, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire: Dark Ages
1 - FEY SIGHT - Vampire may percieve all things faerie.
2 - DARKLING TRICKERY - Vampire may cause various mystical pranks.
3 - GOBLINISM - Vampire is able to indentify, understand, and alter stone.
4 - FAERIE WARDS - Vampire may enchant an area with a disorienting effect.
5 - RIDDLE PHANTASTIQUE - Vampire may ask a riddle of which the target
becomes obsessed with finding the answer.
6 - STONE TRAVEL - Vampire may travel through the earth by tunneling.
7 - EARTH SWORD - Vampire may make spikes shoot out of ceilings, walls and
floors. Spikes are made of what the surface is made of.
8 - BASILISK'S TOUCH - Vampire may turn a target to stone with a touch.
Posessed By: Kiasyd
Found In: Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat
1 - SHROUDSIGHT - Vampire may look into the Shadowlands.
2 - LIFELESS TONGUES - Vampire may speak with spirits in the Shadowlands.
3 - DEAD HAND - Vampire may physically interract with the Shadowlands.
4 - EX NIHILO - Vampire may fully enter the Shadowlands for brief periods.
5 - SHROUD MASTERY - Vampire may temporarily strengthen or weaken the link
between the Skinlands and the Shadowlands.
1 - TREMENS - Vampire may cause a cadaver to move.
2 - APPRETICE'S BROOMS - Vampire may cause cadavers to perform tasks.
3 - SHAMBLING HORDES - Vampire may cause cadavers to attack upon condition.
4 - SOUL STEALING - Vampire may remove the soul of an intelligent being.
5 - DAEMONIC POSSESSION - Vampire may put a spirit into a cadaver to animate
1 - INSIGHT - Vampire may look into a body's eyes and percieve its last
1 - THE TRAGEDY REVEALED - Vampire may hold a dead head and percieve its last
2 - SUMMON SOUL - Vampire may summon a spirit.
2 - SUMMON SPIRIT - Vampire may summon a spirit.
3 - COMPEL SOUL - Vampire may master a summoned spirit.
3 - CORPOREAL HOME - Vampire may entrap a summoned spirit.
4 - HAUNTING - Vampire may keep spirit from returning to spirit world.
5 - TORMENT - Vampire may physically strike a spirit.
6 - ZOMBIE - Vampire may animate newly dead cadavers.
7 - SEVERING THE TIES OF DEATH - Giovanni may pull a wraith from the
Shadowlands completely.
7 - TORMENT - Vampire may inflict mystical damage upon spirits.
8 - SOUL EXCHANGE - Vampire may exchange the souls of two beings.
9 - INUREMENT - Giovanni may voluntarily become a wraith upon final death.
9 - POSSESSION - Vampire may place spirit in recently dead body.
10 - DEATH PACT - Vampire makes contract for a target's soul.
Posessed By: Giovanni, Kiasyd, Nagaraja, Samedi
Found In: Clanbook: Cappadocian, Clanbook: Giovanni, Vampire Player's Guide
2nd Ed.
1 - EYES OF THE WRAITH - Vampire may see living world from Underworld and
Vice Versa
2 - CONSUME THE DEAD - Vampire may feed from Wraith Corpus
3 - AURA OF DECAY - Vampire may cause all objects around hir to decay.
4 - THE DARK TOUCH - Vampire may inflict damage on living/undead/dead.
5 - NIGHTCRY - Vampire may ummon beings from the Shadowland.
6 - BLACK BLOOD - Vampire may blood bind wraiths.
7 - OBLIVION'S DANCE - Vampire inflicts levels 3 and 4 on all around hir.
Posessed By: Nagaraja
Found In: Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
1 - PANACEA - Vampire may heal fang and claw wounds by licking them.
2 - ANESTHETIC TOUCH - Vampire may make a target unreceptive to pain.
3 - NEUTRAL GUARD - Vampire makes a barrier into which none can penetrate.
4 - TREAT THE SICK MIND - Vampire may sense and cure Derangements.
5 - UNBURDENING OF THE BESTIAL SOUL - Vampire may remove a target's soul and
store it within hirself.
6 - PAIN FOR PLEASURE - Vampire may make a target think sie is feeling
pleasure instead of pain.
6 - RENEWED VIGOR - Vampire may cure all wounds for a target.
7 - REPULSION - Others avoid the Vampire with this power.
8 - VITAE BLOCK - Vampire may make other vampire's blood unusable.
9 - SPIRIT MARIONETTE - Vampire gains complete control over target's body and
10 - RESURRECTION - Vampire may summon the soul of a recently dead human back
into its body.
Posessed By: Salubri
Found In: Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
1 - CLOAK OF SHADOWS - Vampre may hide behind objects or in shadows.
2 - UNSEEN PRESENCE - Vampire may be completely ignored, thus, invisible.
3 - MASK OF THE THOUSAND FACES - Vampire may appear as others.
4 - VANISH FROM THE MIND'S EYE - Vampire may disapear from plain view.
5 - CLOAK THE GATHERING - Vampire may conceal more individuals than hirself.
6 - CONCEAL - Vampire may conceal an object up to the size of a house.
6 - DIASTASIS - Vampire may create an illusion of hirself.
6 - MIND BLANK - Vampire becomes invisible to Telepathy or Aura Perception.
6 - SCRAWL - Malkavian may write in language only decipherable by who sie
6 - SOUL MASK - Vampire may set hir aura to one color.
7 - CACHE - Vampire may mainain any other Obfuscate power when absent.
7 - CLOAK - Vampire may remain hidden from Auspex location powers.
7 - VEIL THE LEGIONS - Vampire may use Obfuscate on many many individuals.
7 - VISIT FAERIELAND - Malkavian may enter Faerieland and go wherever sie
pleases on Earth..with the consent of the Faeries.
8 - OLD FRIENDS - Vampire makes target believe sie is a trusted friend.
8 - TRUSTED CONFESSOR - Vampire makes target believe sie is someone who can
be trusted with secrets.
9 - CREATE NAME - Vampire creates a seamless identity for hirself.
10 - MEMORY'S FADING GLIMPSE - Vampire is completely forgotten.
Posessed By: Assamites, Assamite Antitribu, Baali, Followers of Set, Gangrel
Antitribu - City, Malkavians, Malkavian Antitribu, Nosferatu,
Nosferatu Antitribu, Samedi, Serpents of the Light
Found In: Clanbook: Malkavian, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide
2nd Ed., Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - EVALUATE - Vampire may perceive everything about a target's soul.
2 - SOUL BRIDGE - Vampire may subtly push a target into doing something.
3 - AUTHORITY - Vampire may cause others to obey hir as if sie were royalty.
4 - THOUSAND HELL STARE - Vampire may cause others to feel they are being
terribly and mercilessly judged.
5 - SOUL SHACKLES - Vampire may bond hir soul to another, creating a bond
capable of shattering previously existing blood bonds.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
OBTENEBRATION (Clanbook: Lasombra, Dark Ages Companion, Player's
Guide to the Sabbat)
1 - SHADOW PLAY - Vampire may manipulate shadows and dim lights.
2 - SHROUD OF NIGHT - Vampire may create an area of inky blacknes.
3 - ARMS OF THE ABYSS - Vampire may summon shadows to grapple foes.
4 - BLACK METAMORPHOSIS - Vampire may become partly physical, partly shadow.
5 - TENEBROUS FORM - Vampire may turn into a shadow.
6 - CALL THE LAMPREY - Vampire may vomit a cold, soul-burning shadow.
6 - DARKSOME EMBRACE - Vampire may vomit a cold, soul-burning shadow.
6 - EYES OF THE NIGHT - Vampire may spy through any shadow sie creates.
6 - SHADOW PARASITE - Lasombra may create a shadow that rips apart a body
from the inside.
6 - SHADOW STEP - Vampire may use shadows as portals, emerging elsewhere.
7 - DARKSIGHT - Lasombra may sense through shadows as though sie were there.
7 - DEATH SHROUD - Vampire may use the shadows of others as servants.
7 - SHADOW SLAVE - Vampire may make hir own shadow into a servant with its
own conciousness.
8 - ENTOMBMENT - Vampire may trap a target within shadows until sunrise or
8 - MASTER OF THE NIGHT - Vampire may summon shadow beings.
8 - NIGHT SHADES - Vampire may summon shadow beings.
9 - SUMMON THE ABYSS - Vampire may cast shadow damage upon a wide area.
10 - BANISHMENT - Vampire may send a target to where darkness originates.
Posessed By: Kiasyd, Lasombra, Lasombra Antitribu
Found In: Clanbook: Lasombra, Dark Ages Companion, Player's Guide to the
1 - CONSECRATE THE GROVE - Vampire may call up the spirits of a small area to
protect her.
2 - CRIMSON WOAD - Vampire may summon spirits of blood and battle.
3 - INSCRIBE THE CURSE - Vampire gains power of those she knows the names of.
4 - MOON AND SUN - Vampire gains the powers of the phases of the moon.
5 - DRAGON LINES - Vampire may draw energy from Ley Lines.
6 - INSCRIBE THE FORGOTTEN NAMES - Vampire knows the names of the beasts of
the past and may summon them.
Posessed By: Lhiannan
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
1-10 - For every point posessed, 1 automatic success for ALL strength-related
rolls (includes damage)
6 - THE FIST OF CAINE - Vampire may strike a target from a distance.
7 - THE FORGER'S HAMMER - Vampire may make mystical weapons with hir hands.
8 - TOUCH OF PAIN - Vampire may focus all of hir strength in a touch.
Posessed By: Blood Brothers, Brujah, Brujah Antitribu, Gargoyles, Giovanni,
Lamia, Lasombra, Lasombra Antitribu, Nosferatu, Nosferatu
Antitribu, True Brujah
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - AWE - Vampire grabs the attention of all those around hir.
2 - DREAD GAZE - Vampire may frighten others with a look.
3 - ENTRANCEMENT - Vampire may make others a little infatuated with hir.
4 - SUMMON - Vampire may call others to hir location.
5 - MAJESTY - Everyone around the Vampire respects and fears hir.
6 - AIRE OF ELATION - Toreador may make everyone around hir think that sie
just told an incredibly hilarious joke.
6 - CAPTURE REALITY - Toreador may convey certain emotions through media.
6 - INTENSIFICATION - Toreador may intensify a conveyed emotion through any
6 - LOVE - Vampire may make others fall in complete love with hir.
6 - RAGE - Vampire may make everyone in the area feel hostile.
6 - RENEW THE EARTHY PLEASURES - Vampire may make other vampires feel all the
good things they lost to the embrace.
6 - SIREN'S SONG - Toreador's musical ability reaches inspiring heights.
6 - STAR MAGNETISM - Toreador's Presence powers carry over onto film, video
tape, photographs or any other visual recording.
6 - TWO-TIERD COMMUNICATION - Toreador may say one thing but mean something
completely different.
7 - MASK EMPATHY - Vampire may remove the emotional bonds of everyone in the
7 - MIND NUMB - Vampire may remove the emotional awareness of everyone in the
7 - UNHOLY PENANCE - Vampire may make a target confess all of their sins.
8 - BLOODLUST - Vampire may inspire mortals to give their all in battle.
8 - INVOKE FRENZY - Vampire may send others into Frenzy at will.
9 - HEART OF THE CITY - Vampire may slowly affect the moods of everyone in a
10 - DREAM WORLD - Vampire may affect the dreams of anyone and everyone in
the world.
Posessed By: Ahrimanes, Baali, Brujah, Brujah Antitribu, Daugters of
Cacophony, Followers of Set, Lhiannan, Serpents of the Light,
Toreador, Toreador Antitribu, True Brujah, Ventrue
Found In: Clanbook: Toreador, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd
Ed., Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - EYES OF THE BEAST - Vampire gains heightened vision and glowing red eyes.
2 - FERAL CLAWS - Vampire makes one inch claws grow from hir fingertips.
3 - EARTH MELD - Vampire may sink into bare earth.
4 - SHAPE OF THE BEAST - Vampire may turn into a wolf or a bat.
5 - MIST FORM - Vampire may turn into a fine mist.
6 - ADAPTABILITY - Gangrel may adapt to environment extremes.
6 - EARTH CONTROL - Vampire may move about in the earth as if swimming.
6 - MASTERY OF THE EARTH - ' ' ' ' ' '
6 - FLESH OF MARBLE - Vampire's skin becomes hard as stone.
7 - FORM OF THE GHOST - Vampire may take Form of Mist but appear solid.
7 - HOMUNCULUS - Vampire may make a three inch tall version of hirself.
7 - THE MANTLE OF BESTIAL MAJESTY - Vampire may become half-man, half-animal.
8 - MOVEMENT OF THE SLOWED BODY - Vampire may slowly move if staked, in
torpor or paralyzed.
8 - PURIFY THE BODY - Vampire may expell foreign objects from hir body by
9 - DUAL FORM - Vampire creates duplicates of hirself.
10 - BODY OF THE SUN - Vampire may set hirself aflame and take no damage
while damaging anyone in hir presence.
Posessed By: Gangrel, Gangrel Antitribu - City, Gangrel Antitribu - Country
Found In: Clanbook: Gangrel, Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd
Ed., Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - SILENCE OF DEATH - Vampire may create a zone of complete silence.
2 - SCORPION'S TOUCH - Vampire may reduce target's Stamina by 1 with a touch.
3 - DAGON'S CALL - Vampire may burst a target's blood vessels.
4 - BAAL'S CARESS - Vampire may coat a blade with his blood to make it
inflict aggravated damage.
5 - TASTE OF DEATH - Vampire may spit blood for aggravated damage.
6 - BLOOD EMPATHY - Vampire may implant feelings in vessel's bloodstream.
6 - BLOOD SWEAT - Vampire may cause a target to sweat hir own blood.
6 - QUICKEN THE MORTAL'S BLOOD - Vampire may get the satisfaction as if sie
hand drank twice as much blood as sie did.
7 - FOUL BLOOD - Vampire may cause a vessel's blood to be vile to all but
7 - HINDER THE CAINITE VITAE - Vampire may cause another vampire's blood to
become useless.
7 - LEECH - Vampire may feed with only physical contact.
8 - BLOOD AWAKENING - Vampire may sense and manipulate the emotions of blood.
8 - BLOOD CLOT - Vampire may cause a target's blood to clot inside hir body.
9 - EROSION - Vampire may cause all of a target's physical to drop to 0.
10 - IMMACULATE VITAE - Vampire may Blood Bond with only one sip of hir
Posessed By: Assamites, Assamite Antitribu
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
1 - BROTHER'S BLOOD - Brother may spend blood to heal the wounds of another
2 - BORROW ORGANS - Brother may donate external organs to another brother.
3 - COORDINATE ATTACKS - Brother may initiate a Mental link between all
Blood Brothers.
4 - CONCENTRATE GENERATION - Blood Brothers may exchange generations.
5 - COGULATE ENTITY - All Brothers may become one large creature.
Posessed By: Blood Brothers
Found In: Storyteller's Handbook
1 - THE EYES OF THE SERPENT - Vampire may hold mortals in hir gaze.
2 - THE TONGUE OF THE ASP - Vampire may inflict damage with hir foot-long
3 - THE SKIN OF THE ADDER - Vampire may turn hir skin into snake skin,
allowing greater flexibility and stamina.
4 - FORM OF THE COBRA - Vampire may turn into a large, black cobra.
5 - THE HEART OF DARKNESS - Vampire may remove any vampire's heart
6 - OBSESSION - Vampire may cause a lust for something within the target.
6 - OPHIDIAN INFESTATION - Vampire may place hir own blood inside a target
then turn it into snakes at will.
6 - TEMPTATION - Vampire may talk target into succumbing to hir weaknesses.
7 - PHOBIA - Vampire may induce any phobia into a target.
7 - SET'S CURSE - Vampire may turn target into a snake servitor.
8 - APEP'S SEMBLANCE - Vampire may become a half human, half snake monster.
8 - CORRUPTION - Vampire causes target to loose Willpower monthly until sie
goes insane.
9 - FORM OF CORRUPTION - Vampire instills an object with the level 8 power,
10 - MARK OF DAMNATION - Vampire marks a target as a pariah.
Posessed By: Followers of Set, Serpents of the Light
Found In: Dark Ages Companion, Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
1 - SPEAK WITH SPIRITS - Vampire may communicate with nearby spirits.
2 - SUMMON SPIRIT BEASTS - Vampire may summon and command spirits of dead
3 - ASPECT OF THE BEAST - Vampire may gain the powers of various animals.
4 - ENGLING FURY - Vampire may replenish Willpower by consuming spirits.
5 - THE WILDEBEEST - Vampire may change into the animal.
Posessed By: Ahrimanes
Found In: Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat
1 - STRIX - Vampire may hear rumors from the winds.
2 - SCOBAX - Vampire may direct swarms of insects or vermin.
3 - MASCA - Vampire may become an animal by drinking its blood.
4 - HEXE - Vampire may spit blood at target to disfigure hir.
5 - FRACTURA - Vampire may use hir blood as magical armor.
Posessed By: Strigmaga (faction of Infernalists)
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
TAPESTRY (Kuei-Jin) (Kindred of the East)
1 - SPIRIT CALL - Vampire may weave the threads of the spirit world into a
spirit trap.
2 - CHI WARD - Vampire may render the Wall between worlds weaker or stronger.
3 - CHI-SHAPING - Vampire may manipulate all the spirit energies to create
traps, areas of good or bad fortune or compell spirits.
4 - RIDE THE DRAGON - Vampire may use Dragon lines as teleportation roads.
5 - CHI RIFT - Vampire may open a portal to the Yin or Yang worlds.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - TIME SENSE - Vampire can accurately sense time
2 - RAMBLE ON - Vampire can cause target to repeat herself constantly
3 - ZOMBIE'S CURSE - Victim moves at half speed
4 - COWALKER - Vampire may stop time
5 - FROZEN OBJECT - Vampire may freeze an object in time
6 - CONTROL AGAING - Vampire may quicken the aging process of a target.
7 - DOMAIN OF EVERNIGHT - Vampire may quicken time in a small area.
7 - OUTSIDE THE HOURGLASS - Vampire may step outside of time and do whatever
sie pleases.
8 - POCKET OUT OF TIME - Vampire may stop time everywhere but hir immediate
8 - REWIND TIME - Vampire may rewind all time except for hirself.
9 - SUMMON HISTORY - Vampire may bring a time to the present.

Posessed By: True Brujah
Found In: Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
THANATOSIS (Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.)
1 - HAG'S WRINKLES - Vampire may expand or contract hir skin.
2 - PUTREFACTION - Vampire may induce decomposition in a target.
3 - ASHES TO ASHES - Vampire may transform into ash.
4 - WITHERING - Vampire may mummify an oponnent's limbs.
5 - INFECTION - Vampire may cause an open wound from an Aggravated wound,
then feed victim blood magically (Blood binding).
6 - COMPRESS - Vampire may cause target's skin to shrink until sie pops.
7 - DUST TO DUST - Vampire may move around while in and reform from Ash form.
8 - RIGOR MORTIS - Vampire may induce rigor mortis in a target.
Posessed By: Samedi
Found In: Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
1 - THAUMATURGICAL FORENSICS - Vampire may conduct a mystical autopsy.
2 - ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION - Vampire may alter animals.
3 - THAUMATURGICAL SURGERY - Vampire may heal all kinds of wounds.
4 - HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION - Vampire may alter humans.
5 - SUPERNATURAL EXPERIMENTATION - Vampire may alter anything.
1 - CONTRADICT - Vampire may make a target do the opposite of what sie was
about to do
2 - DISFIGUREMENT - Vampire may alter a target's face.
3 - CHANGE MIND - Vampire may make target do the opposite of what sie would
normally do for a long time.
4 - CRIPPLE - Vampire may turn a victim into a paraplegic.
5 - CORRUPT SOUL - Vampire may change a target's inner nature.
1 - ELEMENTAL STRENGTH - Raise all physical by 1 with willpower
2 - WOODEN TONGUES - Speaking with objects
3 - ANIMATE THE UNMOVING - Imbibing objects with movement
4 - ELEMENTAL FORM - Change into an object of equal size/weight
5 - SUMMON ELEMENTAL - Summon an Earth/water/fire/air elemental(or others?)
1 - CAUSE SLEEP - Any mortal within view can be put to sleep
2 - MASS SLUMBER - Any mortals within view can be put to sleep simultaneously
3 - ENCHANTED SLUMBER - Target is put to sleep until specific task is
4 - DREAMSCAPE - Vampire may enter a target's dream
5 - MASTER OF DREAMS - Vampre controls target's dreams
1 - DECAY - Vampire may age an inanimate object.
2 - GNARL WOOD - Vampire may warp or bend any wood within view.
3 - ACIDIC TOUCH - Vampire may sweat acid.
4 - ATROPHY - Vampire may decompose flesh.
5 - TURN TO DUST - Vampire may rapidly age a target.
1 - SAUT ALLAH - Vampire may give followers 1 point of temporary willpower.
2 - NUZRA ALLAH - Vampire may stop someone from attacking hir with a glance.
3 - RUH ALLAH - Vampire may bring a target out of frenzy.
4 - GHADUB ALLAH - Vampire may stop someone from attacking hir.
5 - KUBDA ALLAH - Vampire may make an opponent submit or be damaged.
1-5 - For each dot of LURE OF FLAMES posessed, vampire may make larger and
larger flames.
1-5 - For each dot of MOVEMENT OF THE MIND posessed, vampire may move larger
and larger objects using only hir willpower.
1 - EYES OF THE SEA - Vampire may view events that have happend around a
standing body of water.
2 - JAIL OF WATER - Vampire may manipulate water to surround a victim.
3 - DEHYDRATE - Vampire may draw water from a victim's blood.
4 - FLOWING WALL - Vampire may enchant standing water so no supernatural
creature may cross it
5 - BLOOD TO WATER - Vampire may change a target's blood into water.
1 - A TASTE FOR BLOOD - Vampire may gain information from blood.
2 - BLOOD RAGE - Vampire may force other vampires to spend blood.
3 - BLOOD OF POTENCY - Vampire may reduce hir generation.
4 - THEFT OF VITAE - Vampire may steal blood from a distance.
5 - CAULDRON OF BLOOD - Vampire may boil the blood of a target.
1 - SUMMONING THE SIMPLE FORM - Vampire may conjur a simple object.
2 - PERMANENCY - Vampire may make conjured object permanent.
3 - MAGIC OF THE SMITH - Vampire may create complex objects.
4 - REVERSE CONUJURATION - Vampire may cancel another's conjuration.
5 - POWER OVER LIFE - Vampire may conjure living things.
1 - BAR THE COMMON PASSAGE - Vampire may imbue a door with extra strength.
2 - GLYPH OF SCRYING - Vampire may create objects through which sie can spy.
3 - RUNES OF POWER - Vampire may enchant an object so that only sie can
touch it.
4 - GLYPH OF ENLIGHTENMENT - Vampire may use hir powers through GLYPH OF
5 - SECURE THE SACRED DOMAIN - Vampire may make hir haven invulnerable.
1 - STARTLE THE SUPERSTITIOUS MIND - Vampire may freeze a target with fear.
2 - ROUTE THE CHARGING HORDES - Vampire may cause those around hir to depart.
3 - WRATH OF GOD - Vampire may make a target believe hirself damned (target
may not move).
4 - THE INNER DEMON - Vampire may surround a target with hir deepest fear.
5 - DEMONIC HORDE - Vampire may induce hallucinations of evil things in up to
20 targets.
1 - EVIL EYE - Vampire may curse a target causing spirits to follow hir.
2 - SPIRIT EYES - Vampire may see spirits.
3 - SPIRIT SLAVE - Vampire may demand tasks of spirits.
4 - FETISHES - Vampire may force a spirit to inhabit an object.
5 - JOURNEY - Vampire may journey the physical realm in spirit form.
1 - FORTIFY THE SOLID FORM - Vampire may make solids stronger.
2 - CRYSTALIZE LIQUID - Vampire may turn liquids into solids.
3 - LIQUEFY THE SOLID FORM - Vampire may turn solids into liquids.
4 - ETHEREAL STONE - Vampire may turn gasses into solids.
5 - VAPOROUS TRANSFORMATION - Vampire may turn solids into gasses.
1 - SPARK - Vampire may create a brief electrical charge
2 - ILLUMINATE - Vampire may surround hirself with an aura of electricity.
3 - BODY OF LIGHT - Vampire may make the aura stronger.
4 - JUPITER'S AEGIS - Vampire may make the aura even stronger.
5 - LIGHTNING DANCE - Vampire may make the aura even stronger.
1-5 - For each point of WEATHER CONTROL posessed, vampire can create greater
and greater weather effects
Posessed By: Tremere, Tremere Antitribu
Found In: A World of Darkness 2nd Ed., Dark Ages Companion, Dirty Secrets of
the Black Hand, Player's Guide to the Sabbat, Vampire Player's
Guide 2nd Ed., Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
1 - SENSE LIFE/DEATH - Vampire may 'see' a target's life force.
2 - GIFT OF SLEEP - Vampire may put target to sleep.
3 - HEALING TOUCH - Vampire may heal any wound with a touch.
3 - BURNING TOUCH - Vampire may inflict pain with a touch.
4 - SHEPHERD'S WATCH - Vampire erects a magical sheild that none may enter.
4 - ENDING THE WATCH - Vampire enacts mystical euthenasia.
5 - THE AILING SPIRIT - Vampire may remove derangements.
5 - VENGEANCE OF SAMIEL - Vampire may invoke the power and gain perfect aim
when striking a foe.
6 - LOVING AGONY - Vampire may keep pain going without hir touch.
6 - WARDING THE BEAST - Vampire may remove the soul of another and store it
within hirself.
7 - AVERSION - Vampire may create an air of distrust and hostility around a
7 - SAFE PASSAGE - Vampire creates an air of trust and friendliness around
8 - PURIFICATION - Vampire may sanctify a person or area, ridding them of
infernalism, haunting or demonic possession.
8 - SHADOW OF TAINT - Vampire may remove the taint of evil from something and
inflict it upon something else.
Posessed By: Salubri (Dark Ages)
Found In: Dark Ages Companion
1 - MALLEABLE VISAGE - Vampire may cosmetically alter hir appearance
2 - FLESHCRAFT - Vampire may drastically alter flesh
3 - BONECRAFT - Vampire may drastically alter bone
4 - HORRID FORM - Vampire changes into a 7-8 foot tall monster
5 - BLOODFORM - Vampire may change parts of her anatomy into blood and
back again
6 - BLOOD OF ACID - Vampires blood permanently becomes a corrosive acid.
6 - BODY ARSENAL - Vampire may create weapons from hir body.
6 - CORRUPT CONSTRUCTION - Vampire may graft dead flesh onto living beings.
6 - PLASMIC FORM - Vampire may change into blood but retain physical control.
6 - SKIN TRAP - Tzimisce may shrug of hir skin to use as a trap.
7 - COCOON - Vampire may secrete a cocoon that makes hir immune to anything.
7 - FLESH ROT - Vampire may cause a condition similar to advanced leprosy in
a target.
7 - KRAKEN'S KISS - Tzimisce may turn hir head into a 10' long tentacle
complete with blood-sucking mouths.
7 - LIQUEFY THE MORTAL COIL - Vampire may turn a target into a pool of blood.
8 - BAUBLE - Vampire may turn into any object of equal or lesser size.
8 - BREATH OF THE DRAGON - Vampire may exhale flames.
8 - SCULPTURE OF THE MIND - Vampire no longer requires touch to craft flesh.
9 - DOPPLEGANGER - Vampire may turn into anything no less than half or more
than twice hir mass.
9 - MELD WITH THE LAND - Vampire may scatter hirself over a wide area and
monitor all within.
10 - REFORM BODY - Vampire may re-assemble hir body after final death.
Posessed By: Tzimisce
Found In: Clanbook Tzimisce, Dark Ages Companion, Player's Guide to the
1 - WHISPERS OF THE CHAMBER - Vampire may detect others in a small area.
2 - SKIN OF THE CHAMELEON - Vampire may appear as it's surroundings
entire building
4 - BOND WITH TERRA - Vampire may seep just below the surface of stone,
brick, or asphalt.
5 - STONESTRENGTH - Vampire's skin becomes rocky, tough, and resistant.
6 - DARK STATUE - Vampire may become immune to fire or sunlight if sie is
able to remain perfectly still.
6 - ROCKHEART - Vampire's innards become rock-solid.
7 - CRAWLING CHAMBER - Vampire may control rock.
Posessed By: Gargoyles
Found In: Storyteller's Handbook
1 - PRINCIPLE OF MOTION - For each point of Yang spent, vampire may take
either one more initiative die or one extra action.
2 - YANG MANTLE - Vampire may surround hirself with Yang and then may sway
animals or mortals to their side, inflict agg damage with
wood, or interact with Yang spirits.
3 - DRAGON DANCE - Vampire may enter a battle trance and fights better.
4 - EIGHTFOLD YANG MANTLE - Vampire may surround hirself with Yang in order
to either soak damage or create illusions.
5 - SEMBLANCE OF THE SCARLET QUEEN - Vampire may become a Yang spirit.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
1 - SHROUDED MOON - Vampire may become invisible if sie moves carefully.
2 - YIN MANTLE - Vampire may surround hirself with Yin and then may attract
and interract with ghosts, influence Yin spirits and inflict
agg damage with metal.
3 - BONE DANCE - Vampire may make all the targets in an area tired,
lethargic and suggestible or make targets fall asleep or
vampires enter torpor all by dancing slowly.
4 - EIGHTFOLD YIN MANTLE - Vampire may solidify hir Yin energy into weapons,
armor, or even give life to hir shadow.
5 - SEMBLANCE OF THE EBON DRAGON - Vampire may become a Yin spirit.
Posessed By: Kuei-Jin
Found In: Kindred of the East
References: A World of Darkness 2nd Ed.
Clanbook: Cappadocian
Clanbook: Gangrel
Clanbook: Giovanni
Clanbook: Lasombra
Clanbook: Malkavian
Clanbook: Nosferatu
Clanbook: Ravnos
Clanbook: Toreador
Clanbook: Tzimisce
Dark Ages Companion
Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
Kindred of the East
Player's Guide to the Sabbat
Storyteller's Handbook
Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat
The Hunters Hunted
Vampire: Dark Ages
Vampire Player's Guide 2nd Ed.
Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed.
Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Ed.
Vancouver: Dark Alliance
Compiled by Christian Steenhorst
All Clans, Bloodlines, Disciplines, and all references to Vampire: The
Masquerade are registered trademarks of WhiteWolf Gaming Company.
EawsRUXHbhbbbbicaON (I think I have it right this time - Goth Code 98)
The Reverend Christian Steenhorst - bj..@freenet.carleton.ca

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